Monday, March 28, 2011

The Death Dealer

Morgan Wormwood "Ye Olden Dealer Of Death" or Death Dealer for short, made his pro debut in Phoenix in 1988 as a student of Ron Sutherland out of Tucson. He lost his first match to JT Law.

The guy was  not the greatest of wrestlers, but he had one hell of a name. He also had great gear, with chains, a knight's helmet and a large sword. His portrayal of a traveling executioner from right out of Henry VIII's time was unique.I have to hand it to him there.

The thing I remember most about him was his boots. He did no wear traditional footwear, but these custom boots that made it look like he had goat hooves coming out of his legs.

Other people the odd-looking Death Dealer faced in Tucson and Phoenix included Gravedigger, The Time Traveler, Lance Ferraro, Bladerunner, The Black Mamba, Billy Scream, Kimara and The California Kid.

How many times he won or lost does not stick with me.. 

What sticks with me would be those goat feet boots.

He's lucky there's honor among thieves and wrestlers, to a point or I  would have stolen the things and worn them elsewhere myself.

The Death Dealer made his last run in the late 1990s when Sutherland was doing  his Rage In The Cage promotion in Tucson. He retired in 2001.

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