Wednesday, January 14, 2015

La Fiera

Arturo Cacso "La Fiera" was a fiery villain on the Mexican lucha scene and a major draw throughout the 1980s. Southwestern fans will remember him from almost weekly appearances on the wrestling shows done by Galavision, shown internationally on cable, as well as his infrequent appearances in the USA, on rare occasions where he did not have prior bookings.

Though a hot item as an individual wrestler, Fiera frequently teamed with fellow rule breakers MX1,  Pirata Morgan and Mocho Cotta on a number of occasions, usually in main events. He helped draw massive crowds to arenas in Juarez, Tijuana, Mexico City, Guadalajara and other huge Mexican venues. He made a fortune out of being hated by the fans, who came time and time hoping to see someone beat him, but a bohemian lifestyle took its toll. He lost most of the money he made, spent some time in jail, had numerous brushes with the law and was reputedly heavily involved in the drug trade with Mexican mob ties.

After retirement due to said lifestyle and a multitude of earlier ring injuries, Fiera sadly slid further and further down the drain. Then, the final bill came in.

Fiera was "offed" in a way that clearly indicated mob ties, when he was both shot and stabbed repeated times. The killing was done in an extremely graphic way in order to supposedly "send a message" to other  would-be "problem children" in the drug trade.

As one of the net writers, Bob Crumby, put it on his Facebook page, "They (the mob?) "Julius Ceasered" his ass.  They stabbed that guy til he looked like Swiss cheese and shot him too. They were making sure he was not only dead, but REALLY dead. They killed him so everyone would take note. He got involved in a  world even more dangerous than pro wrestling, where you just don't fuck around."

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