Thursday, July 30, 2015

Kellen Raeth

In  a throwback to arrogant strutting heels from the past like Buddy Rogers, Don Arnold and the Grahams, Kellen Raeth is a standout in modern wrestling. Trained by Dash Venture Sullivan and Buddy Wayne in the Seattle area,  he has been making a name for himself throughout the west. He is a throwback to days long gone.

All he has to do is step through the curtains from the locker room and spread his arms in an expression of "here I am" to get the crowd going. Belittling pins, finishing off his opponent with a finger or foot on their prostrate bodies,  smirking poses in the middle of a match as he has the upper hand and a firm knowledge of ring psychology so lacking in many you see today says it all. The minute he enters the ring, the people in the stands know he is bad, just by the way he carries himself. Even people unfamiliar with him, know they are supposed to boo him.

A recent feud with Randy "The Pimp" Taylor has offered fans a series of "old school" matches at their best.

Kellen's wife is also a capable lady wrestler.

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