Sunday, November 20, 2016

Jeanie Wolf

Jeanie Wolf, the stepdaughter of Mildred Burke, traveled the country as part of a carnival like all girl  promotion, but while she was seen in many parts of the  USA,  she did not live long enough to be famous.

When she is remembered at all, she is remembered for her death in a tag team match in East Liverpool, Ohio, where she slumped into unconsciousness, much like Perro Aguayo Jr years later and never woke up, passing away from brian trauma of some form or another.

Though young in age and heart, she had already been well-versed and seen in many different parts of the USA, from coast to coast. How far she might have gone had her luck changed is anyone's guess. Eternal greatness was not to be her destiny.

Reportedly. on the night of her death, she had not wanted to go into the ring and had been feeling badly, but feared the reaction of Billy Wolf and Mildred Burke if she opted out of the match. She might have been wiser to have taken that chance.

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